It is now possibile to buy the µPanel firmware only. If you already have an ESP8266 module, you can now upload the µPanel firmware into your module by yourself. In this page FIRMWARE UPLOAD you can find detailed instructions for uploading the firmware into the ESP8266 module. Visit the BUY uPANEL SYSTEM for price and related information.
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We have added today 3 new kits to our catalog, at the page BUY uPANEL SYSTEM. The µPanel firmware is now available on the ESP12 board. We added also the kit SCF-TOP03 which embeds an ESP03 programmed with µPanel and an Arduino (compatible) Lilypad USB on a single and tiny PCB. This kit is ideal to get started […]
We have just published a µPanel forum, where you can share your questions and discussions with other users. The forum is available at this link: FORUM